This tour will expose and delight your palate to different yet equally delicious wonders and introduce you to a variety of delectable Chinese and Southeast Asian Cuisines such as Malaysian and Vietnamese.
We have expertise in organizing and providing private tours to individual groups, corporations (e.g. Travel Channel, Google, Boston Consulting Group, and American Express), and institutions (e.g. NYU, and Columbia University).
We were featured in different press (e.g. New York Times, US News, Travel Channel, and more). Our press info will be up shortly! We just have been busy.
"Candy knows her food and has been anxiously engaged in creating a fun, high-quality gastronomic experience for a while now. I am not from New York and have no idea where to get the best pasta or dim sum in the city, but Candy does. The next time my family is in New York, we are going to have to check out NY Food Tours!" Joseph Hoyt August 20th, 2009 at 4:26 pm
"You will have great time with NY food tours. Candy’s careful selection of foods and her desire about foods will bring you the best taste of New York. Just wish to have time to join all the NY food tours." Quoc Tuan, August 20th, 2009 at 1:40 pm
"Trust Candy with your food choice. She is serious about food and her knowledge spans various cuisines. I wouldn’t think twice regarding a recommendation from Candy." Joe K August 26th, 2009 at 5:21 am
"Candy has a very fine taste for food. Her passion and seriousness was evident through her leadership as the president of the Culinary Society at Babson College.Thanks to her, her classmates were treated to many different cuisines and got educated about them too. She knows food really well, you will be glad you went for the NY Food tour. Enjoy!" Jess August 21st, 2009 at 12:15 am